Democrats Sending Illegals Where?
Democrats are now sending illegals to college for free!
The Mayor of New York City, Eric Adams, has recently proposed a plan to provide tuition-free college education to illegals, funded by taxpayer money.
According to the NY Post, New York City is spending millions of dollars every day to provide accommodation and meals for undocumented immigrants. Even with these excessive costs, Mayor Adams’ proposal to provide free college education to illegal immigrants could add to this financial burden.
Currently, the program is looking to fund 100 prospective students. However, it is likely that the program’s scope may increase in the future.
It is estimated that Mayor Adams’ new free education plan for illegals will cost taxpayers an astounding $1.2 million.
Eric Adams intends to offer 12 months of classes, lodging, and meals to up to 100 migrants in Sullivan County, according to sources at The New York Post. The program may have the potential to extend beyond the initial group of participants.
Mayor Adams is expected to enroll these migrants in SUNY Sullivan community college and after calculating the school enrollment fees it is expected to cost well over $1.2 million.
Republican Rep. Elise Stefanik condemned Mayor Adams’ decision and said, “Mayor Adams is making a permanent welfare system for illegal immigrants in New York State.”
“By spending New Yorkers’ hard-earned taxpayer dollars on college classes for migrants, he is incentivizing and rewarding illegal immigration simply to export the crisis of Democrats’ own making out of New York City,” she added.