Biden Guts 2nd Amendment
Austin Knudsen, the Republican Attorney General of Montana, is preparing to file a lawsuit against the Biden Administration concerning its executive order on gun violence. Knudsen stated that the president “should know better” than to enforce harsh gun control measures.
According to Fox, Knudsen mentioned that his office is anticipating the Biden Administration’s response to the order, which President Biden has referred to as a “whole-of-government approach” aimed at using “every legally accessible and suitable measure” to combat gun violence.
The White House has stated its desire to employ federal agencies to advance red flag laws, broaden background checks, and gather additional information on federally licensed firearms dealers.
Knudsen fired back at Biden and said, “They don’t dare say it out loud, but what they’re talking about is going after private firearm transactions and trying to require Americans to do a background check on every private firearms transfer. Well, as nice sounding as that might be, what do we know about criminals? They don’t follow the law, and they don’t get their firearms from retailers. They steal guns.”
According to the National Firearms Commerce and Trafficking Assessment, there was a 1,083 percent rise in privately manufactured firearms submitted to ATF between 2017 and 2021, with 37,980 firearms being traced.
Knudsen doubled down on Biden and explained, “A firearm is no different . . . than a lot of other personal property in America. When I give my 14-year-old son a shotgun for his birthday, do I have to go through a background check, and does he have to go through a background check? The answer to that is no. I’m his father, and I’m able to give him a gift. That happens all over in this country.”
Biden has argued that the executive order aims to safeguard children’s safety, but he has also urged Congress to take additional measures by passing universal background checks and a prohibition on assault weapons.