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U.S. Officials Poisoned Overseas?

There are a lot of rumors and speculation going on right now. Here’s what we know so far…

A covert Russian intelligence unit, allegedly operating under the direct command of President Vladimir Putin, has emerged as a possible perpetrator behind a string of attacks afflicting numerous U.S. officials stationed abroad with perplexing ailments.

This unit, known as Russian intelligence unit 29155, is shrouded in secrecy, yet it has been implicated in the enigmatic cases of “Havana Syndrome” that have plagued over 100 Americans since 2016, as detailed in a CBS “60 Minutes” report.

Contrary to a 2023 government report which deemed it “highly unlikely” that a foreign adversary was responsible, skepticism persists among many victims who feel frustrated by the U.S. government’s apparent reluctance to acknowledge potential attacks on its personnel.

Greg Edgreen, a former Army lieutenant colonel who led Pentagon investigations into these incidents, expressed his belief to “60 Minutes” that evidence consistently points to Russian involvement, although specifics remain classified.

The targets of these suspected attacks span a spectrum of officials including White House staff, CIA operatives, FBI agents, military personnel, and their families. Many afflicted individuals speculate that they were subjected to a clandestine weapon capable of emitting high-energy beams of microwaves or ultrasound.

Edgreen noted a common theme among the victims: their work often pertained to Russia, suggesting a deliberate targeting of those engaged in activities perceived as adversarial to Russian interests.

This sentiment is echoed by Mark Zaid, an attorney representing numerous Havana Syndrome sufferers, who observed that a significant portion of his clients were engaged in duties relating to Russia within various government agencies.

Journalist Christo Grozev, collaborating with “60 Minutes,” asserts that Russian intelligence unit 29155 could be involved, citing Russian documents hinting at a connection between the unit and directed energy weaponry.

Evidence uncovered in the report indicates the presence of 29155 operatives in Tbilisi, Georgia, coinciding with reported incidents targeting Americans. Notably, a certain Albert Averyanov, allegedly linked to 29155, drew attention due to his association with these events.

Rebekah Koffler, a military intelligence analyst and author, opines that Russia likely possesses both the capability and motivation to orchestrate such attacks, drawing parallels with Cold War-era tactics.

In contrast to these assertions, a spokesperson for the Russian presidency vehemently denied any involvement, labeling the accusations baseless.

Amid these revelations, doubts persist regarding the official government assessment, with suggestions of a potential cover-up hindering comprehensive investigations.

In response, the Biden-Harris administration has pledged to prioritize inquiries into Havana Syndrome, ensuring affected personnel receive necessary medical attention, as reiterated by White House and FBI spokespersons.

As the mystery surrounding Havana Syndrome deepens, the pursuit of truth and accountability remains paramount in safeguarding U.S. personnel from future harm.