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Biden Shuts Down Town For Money

Biden just made a lot of Americans very angry.

The aftermath of President Biden’s high-profile fundraiser in a quaint Westchester community left residents seething with frustration. The event, hosted at the opulent Irvington mansion of Hollywood icons Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones, triggered a cascade of chaos. Matt Figliola, a 57-year-old custom car builder, found himself unexpectedly barred from reaching his own home by a sprawling security cordon.

Navigating through the labyrinth of blocked roads, Figliola recounted the surreal ordeal of being turned away by police despite residing just moments away. The extensive security measures, encompassing a two-mile radius around the event venue, effectively paralyzed the town of 6,400 inhabitants. Westchester County officials shuttered a significant stretch of Route 9, exacerbating the already clogged thoroughfares.

Figliola’s exasperation was shared by many, including Boaz Miodovsky, who endured an hour-long standstill on the highway with her restless children. The lack of foresight in managing the traffic snarl irked Miodovsky, underscoring the palpable disregard for the community’s well-being.

The repercussions of Biden’s visit reverberated beyond the realm of transportation woes. Government offices shuttered prematurely, while local schools curtailed activities and dispatched students home in anticipation of the gridlock. The economic toll was evident as businesses shuttered their doors, compounding the collective inconvenience suffered by residents like Steve Caporal and Will Martinez.

Caporal’s indignation stemmed from the glaring incongruity between the extravagant fundraiser’s price tag and its impact on the town’s populace. Martinez echoed the sentiment, lamenting the disruption of everyday life for thousands in the community.

The fundraiser, with ticket prices ranging from thousands to a hundred thousand dollars, cast a shadow over the community’s tranquility, raising questions about the balance between political fundraising and civic disruption. As the dust settled, the financial windfall for the Biden campaign remained shrouded in uncertainty, leaving residents to grapple with the aftermath of an event that inadvertently underscored the tension between political ambition and communal well-being.