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A novel initiative has been introduced in the bright red Republican state of Texas to aid impoverished families, particularly undocumented immigrants, residing in the state. As part of this program, eligible individuals may receive monthly payments of $500 for a duration of 18 months.

According to Newsweek, a groundbreaking initiative called the Uplift Harris program was approved on Tuesday through a 4-1 vote. This pilot program, operating in Harris County, which encompasses Houston, aims to provide monthly cash payments to low-income residents. With an allocation of $20.5 million from the American Rescue Plan Act, the program will support approximately 1,400 to 1,600 families by granting them $500 per month for a period of 18 months. This effort is often referred to as a universal basic income program.

Amidst the voting process, Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, a staunch supporter of the program, expressed that the monetary assistance would be directed towards residents residing in the “10 most impoverished neighborhoods” within the county. This inclusive approach aims to extend the benefits to individuals in need, including those belonging to the undocumented community.

According to Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, the eligibility of the undocumented community to apply for the program is contingent upon the decision of the county attorney. If the county attorney determines that undocumented individuals can apply, they will be permitted to do so. Judge Hidalgo clarified that based on the information she received, undocumented community members are indeed eligible. Additionally, participants in the program will have the freedom to utilize the funds as they see fit, without any specific restrictions on how the money can be spent.

The Houston Immigration Legal Services Collaborative has reported that Harris County accommodates a population of over 1.6 million individuals who are residing without legal immigration status.

Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, the driving force behind the Uplift Harris program, highlighted the adverse consequences of long-standing neglect, inequity, and discrimination. These factors have led to financial instability across multiple generations of families in Harris County, perpetuating poverty and erecting unjust obstacles to achieving prosperity. The Commissioner emphasized that persistent and unaddressed inequality has given rise to an economic divide that families are unable to overcome independently. Consequently, Harris County has recognized its responsibility to take action and address these pressing issues.

During the recent Tuesday session, Judge Hidalgo voiced her concerns regarding critics of the program, suggesting that the resistance primarily stemmed from objections to the distribution of federal funds towards impoverished individuals. She implied that there might be reluctance or opposition due to the program’s focus on providing financial support to those in need.