Hillary Says Trump Will Spew 'Nonsense' During Debate, Is She Right?

Hillary’s Debate Warning To Biden

Hillary is now throwing in her 2 cents even though she herself lost to Trump in 2016.

Hillary Clinton emphasized the critical need for President Joe Biden to confront former President Donald Trump with unwavering directness and forcefulness during their upcoming debate, drawing on her own experiences from past encounters with both men. In a pointed op-ed published in The New York Times, Clinton, the 2016 Democratic Party nominee, underscored the futility of engaging Trump in a conventional debate format, citing his propensity for interruptions, insults, and falsehoods that she argued had undermined meaningful discourse in their 2016 debates.

Reflecting on the dynamics of those debates, Clinton recalled the overwhelming challenge of staying focused on substantive issues amidst Trump’s chaotic tactics. She criticized Trump’s debating style as starting with “nonsense” and descending into meaningless “blather,” making it nearly impossible to discern coherent arguments. Clinton warned that Trump’s tactics, including intimidation and evasion of straightforward answers on critical issues like abortion, were designed to deflect and obfuscate rather than engage in genuine dialogue.

Clinton highlighted the importance for Biden to draw upon his recent confrontation with congressional hecklers during the State of the Union address, where he demonstrated assertiveness and command of facts. She argued that Biden’s commitment to truth and his record on economic progress and clean energy investments would resonate positively with voters, contrasting sharply with Trump’s likely attempts to appear presidential by merely meeting minimal expectations.

Acknowledging Biden’s constrained preparation time as an incumbent president, Clinton advised against getting distracted by theatrical elements of the debate. Instead, she urged viewers to focus on the candidates’ values and their implications for the American people. Drawing a stark contrast between Trump, whom she characterized as a “convicted criminal out for revenge,” and Biden, whom she portrayed as a leader delivering tangible results, Clinton asserted that the choice for voters should be clear and straightforward come Election Day.

In conclusion, Clinton’s impassioned plea for Biden to confront Trump head-on with facts and conviction underscored her belief that this debate would not be won on style but on substance and clarity of vision for the country’s future. Her insights, drawn from personal experience and political analysis, framed the upcoming debate as a critical moment for Biden to reaffirm his leadership and contrast it with what she depicted as Trump’s divisive and deceptive tactics.