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Melania Trump Ditches White House

Melania Trump does not want to spend much time in Washington D.C.

If Donald Trump secures a second term as President, Melania Trump is reportedly planning to maintain a distinct separation from the traditional role of First Lady in Washington, D.C. Unlike her predecessors Barack Obama and Joe Biden, who were active in the capital, the Trumps largely eschewed D.C. during their initial tenure, according to Axios. There were persistent rumors questioning Melania’s residency at the White House versus staying with her parents in the suburbs following Trump’s 2016 victory.

Axios suggests that a second term would likely see Melania continue to spend significant time outside of D.C., primarily in Palm Beach, Florida, where she has resided for the past four years. It’s speculated she may also split time in New York City, where her son Barron is reportedly considering attending university. Her visits to the White House would likely be limited to ceremonial events such as state dinners or special occasions, rather than full-time residence in the East Wing.

Mary Jordan, an associate editor at The Washington Post, noted Melania’s independent approach, emphasizing that she operates on her terms, unbound by the typical expectations of a First Lady. This stance, Jordan suggests, sets Melania apart historically.

Since stepping away from her role in 2021, Melania has maintained a low profile, with few public appearances. According to Axios, she appears to be distancing herself further from both her husband and the political social scene in Washington, a sentiment echoed by Kate Anderson Brewer, an author specializing in the White House and its occupants.

Despite her physical location, Axios reports that Melania is expected to revisit her Be Best campaign if Trump wins re-election, focusing on initiatives she championed during her tenure. This indicates that while her residence and social engagements may diverge from tradition, Melania Trump remains committed to advancing her chosen causes and maintaining a distinctive presence on the national stage.