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G7 Leaders Shocked By Biden’s Decline

The world is seeing first-hand how bad Biden’s health is.

At the recent G7 summit in Italy, concerns have been raised about President Biden’s focus during discussions, with one diplomatic insider describing his performance as “the worst he has ever been.” According to a non-US delegate speaking to The Sun on Friday, Biden’s public gaffes on the summit’s opening day were deemed “embarrassing.”

President Biden joined the leaders of the world’s wealthiest democracies, including Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, to discuss economic and security priorities. However, his actions during the event drew significant attention. Notably, Biden greeted Meloni with an awkward salute on Thursday and wandered away from the group during a skydiving demonstration, requiring the host prime minister to guide him back.

Biden reportedly started on a wrong note with Meloni by keeping her waiting for 20 minutes before arriving on Thursday morning. Upon his arrival, Meloni humorously reprimanded him, saying, “You shouldn’t leave a woman waiting like this.”

The Sun also noted that despite these missteps, Biden showed moments of clarity when discussing critical issues with the leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK, and the European Union. This observation aligns with reports from White House staffers indicating that Biden occasionally loses focus during private conversations.

Andrew Bates, the White House senior deputy press secretary, dismissed The Sun’s report as “lies,” emphasizing Biden’s successful leadership in advancing national security abroad. Bates also clarified that the video of Biden walking away during the skydiving demonstration had been misinterpreted, explaining that the president was giving a thumbs-up and congratulating a skydiver.

Prime Minister Sunak defended Biden, stating that the choreography of the ceremony required the leaders to line up, and Biden was merely engaging with individuals before rejoining the group. Sunak described Biden as “being very polite” to the military participants in the demonstration.

Biden also missed a dinner for G7 leaders at a luxury hotel on Thursday evening. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre explained that Biden’s absence should not be overinterpreted, noting the president’s busy schedule over the summit’s two and a half days.

The summit saw the US signing a 10-year security agreement with Ukraine and the G7 agreeing to provide another $50 billion to support Ukraine in its conflict with Russia. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, who attended the summit, joined Biden for a press conference to affirm their united stance against Russian aggression.

Amidst these events, concerns about Biden’s mental acuity have been growing among Democratic lawmakers and aides. According to a recent Wall Street Journal report, Biden frequently relies on cheat sheets and appears to rest his eyes during meetings. An ABC News/Ipsos poll from February revealed that 86% of voters, including 73% of Democrats, believe Biden is too old to complete a second term.

First lady Jill Biden dismissed suggestions for mandatory mental competency tests for politicians over 75, calling the idea “ridiculous.” As the first presidential debate between Biden and former President Donald Trump approaches on June 27, polls indicate that many voters expect Biden to have memory lapses or appear disoriented during the event.

Trump campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt criticized Biden’s performance at the G7, describing it as evidence of cognitive decline. Leavitt warned that adversaries like China, Russia, and Iran might exploit perceived weaknesses in Biden’s leadership, advocating instead for a leader with strength and vision, such as Trump.