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Democrats Ditch Biden, Vote Trump

Americans are waking up finally.

Disenchanted with his former allegiance to the Democratic Party, Tony Milidantri, a retired veteran and ex-union electrician, is shifting his support towards former President Trump, expressing a desire to see President Biden ousted come November.

In an interview with “Fox & Friends First” on Wednesday, Milidantri voiced his frustration with the treatment of Trump, criticizing what he perceives as unfair attacks from Democrats. He emphasized his belief that Democrats seem to evade consequences for their actions while Trump faces constant opposition.

Milidantri sees Trump as possessing the “formula” to realign the country and hopes fellow Pennsylvanians will share his perspective when they vote. Expressing disdain for the possibility of Biden winning the state again, he reflects on the current political climate with a sense of urgency.

Meanwhile, Biden is engaging in an economic tour, addressing issues such as supporting steelworkers and advocating for tariffs on Chinese imports during a visit to Pittsburgh.

Recent polls indicate a tight race between the candidates in crucial battleground states like Pennsylvania, where Trump holds a slight lead according to a Fox News survey. The significance of Pennsylvania in the upcoming election is not lost on Milidantri and others who share his viewpoint.

Reflecting on conversations within his community, Milidantri describes a sentiment of dissatisfaction with Biden and a perception of the country’s decline. He suggests a growing disillusionment among retired veterans, echoing concerns about the nation’s trajectory.

Echoing Milidantri’s sentiments, other Pennsylvanians express discontent with the current state of affairs. Al Anderson, a local business owner, highlights rising costs and economic challenges under Biden’s administration. Similarly, Ed Frack, a gym owner, reminisces about a more favorable business environment during Trump’s presidency.

As Biden and Trump campaign to sway voters in swing states across the nation, Pennsylvania State Sen. Jarrett Coleman observes a lack of enthusiasm for Biden compared to the fervor seen during Trump’s tenure. He questions the effectiveness of “Bidenomics” and suggests that Biden’s need to promote his economic policies indicates their questionable success.