67% Of Americans Say Trump Won First Presidential Debate, You Agree?

VIDEO: Newsom Replaces Biden?

New plans are already in motion.

Following the recent presidential debate, former Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) expressed significant concerns about President Biden’s performance, prompting questions about the Democratic Party’s 2024 ticket. McCaskill, speaking on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow show, pointed out that Vice President Kamala Harris and California Governor Gavin Newsom are signaling their capabilities and raising eyebrows as to why they aren’t the leading contenders for the presidency. She suggested that their roles are currently being used to compensate for perceived weaknesses in President Biden rather than positioning them at the forefront of the party.

The debate, hosted by CNN in Atlanta, saw Biden facing off against former President Trump, with early indicators suggesting a lackluster showing from Biden. He appeared at times to struggle with his delivery and coherence, which contrasted sharply with Trump’s assertive and direct style, despite his own factual inaccuracies. A snap CNN poll following the debate revealed a significant majority of viewers, 67 percent, believed Trump emerged as the winner, highlighting Biden’s perceived underperformance compared to previous debates.

McCaskill criticized Biden’s failure to reassure the public about his capabilities, particularly given his age and the expectations placed upon him. While she stopped short of calling for Biden’s removal, she emphasized the need for serious reflection within the party about how to address the current dynamics and public perception.

Reflecting on the broader implications of the debate, McCaskill underscored the emotional impact on viewers, describing it as a “gut punch” due to concerns over Trump’s potential return to power. She expressed hope that Biden’s advisors and family would engage in meaningful discussions about projecting strength and exploring other potential solutions in the days ahead.

Throughout her commentary, McCaskill balanced criticism of Biden’s performance with a staunch rebuke of Trump, describing him as “a liar, a flawed character, mean, a jerk,” and emphasizing the danger she believes he represents. Her remarks resonated widely within Democratic circles, where concerns over the party’s leadership and strategic direction are now amplified in the wake of the debate.

As the political landscape continues to evolve, McCaskill’s perspective underscores ongoing debates within the Democratic Party about leadership, strategy, and the path forward in a highly charged electoral environment.

After the debate Governor Newsom, who was present, was seen smiling ear-to-ear and even appeared bright red. Many on social media believe Newsom was ‘giddy’ with excitement due to the idea that he would soon step in for Biden.