Biden Vows To End Gun Rights
President Biden angered conservative Americans once again after he demanded for “greater action” when it came to gun control after an alleged angry Walmart manager opened fire at his employees in Virginia using a pistol which killed six people and injured four others.
According to Fox, Biden targeted guns and said, “Jill and I grieve for those families, for the Chesapeake community, and for the Commonwealth of Virginia, which just suffered a terrible shooting at the University of Virginia this month. We also mourn for all those across America who have lost loved ones to these tragic shootings that we must come together as a nation to stand against.”
Biden then said, “This year, I signed the most significant gun reform in a generation, but that is not nearly enough. We must take greater action.”
President Biden and the Democrats have made it their mission to blame any incident that happens in the United States on guns in an attempt to strip away 2nd Amendment rights from everyday Americans who believe in personal security and the right to self defense.
President Biden referred to the Walmart shooting as “yet another horrific and senseless act of violence.”